Maharashtra has now allowed aspirants to apply for a learners' driving license from home, simply by taking an online test using Aadhaar-based authentication, news agency PTI reported, adding that the state government has issued two directives to 50 regional transport offices (RTOs), one of which deals in this regard. The other directive allows citizens to register their respective non-transport vehicles without having to physically visit the RTOs. The latest directives come as part of a series of measures being undertaken by state governments across India to take up several bureaucratic processes online amid the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic and reduce the burden on the staff.
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray is expected to inaugurate relevant facilities in the next couple of days, to enable aspirants in the state to take the learners' driving license virtually.
To apply for a learners' driving license in Maharashtra, aspirants can watch a few online videos on road safety and opt-in for the learners' license test on the website when it becomes available, said Maharashtra transport commissioner Avinash Dhakane.
Here's how to apply online for a learners' driving license in Maharashtra:
1. Watch online videos on road safety to understand the importance of driving safely and within limits. Several such clips are available online on the official YouTube channel of the Union ministry of road transport and highways.
2. Apply for the learners' driving license test online from the appropriate portal of the Maharashtra government's website. Keep in mind you will need your Aadhaar number for authentication.
3. In order to obtain a learners' driving license, an aspirant must answer at least 60% of the questions presented in the test.
4. If you clear the test, you will be eligible to obtain a learners' driving license in Maharashtra.
5. Print out the learners' driving license and keep the hard copy for convenience and use.
The Maharashtra transport department issues around 20 lakh learners' licenses and an equal number of cars and bikes in the non-transport category via the Sarathi 4.0 and the Vahan 4.0 systems, respectively, according to officials. The national informatics center (NIC) is expected to be making appropriate changes in these systems to enable aspirants to apply for learners' driving licenses in Maharashtra online, with the systems likely to be in place in the upcoming days.
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